A few days ago, we celebrated Global Parents Day, an occasion that honours parents and the incredible commitment they make to their children. We saw this as a great opportunity to gain some insight into the parenting life of one of our esteemed colleagues, Daniella Goodson. Daniella took some time to answer a few quick-fire questions, giving us a glimpse into her experiences as a parent.
How many children do you have and how old are they?
I have three children, a 9-year-old, 6-year-old and 10-month-old.
What’s one unexpected joy you’ve experienced since becoming a parent?
I never knew it would bring me so much joy seeing a tiny human eat their food!
On the flip side, what’s one unexpected challenge you’ve faced?
I never knew it would cause so much upset if they got the wrong coloured plate!

As a working parent, how do you manage the ever-present struggle of work-life balance?
Juggling work and three little ones? School is my life saver, and honestly, Auntie Daisy is a must-have. No way I could do it without her!
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from being a parent?
My son with autism is my biggest parenting teacher. He’s shown me the power of relaxation, letting go of what others think, and the incredible strength of family. We’re a team, through and through!
Do you have any special family traditions or rituals that you’ve established with your children? Share what makes them meaningful to you.
We always have a saying we say each night: ‘Good night, God bless, sweet dreams. I love you, see you in the morning. I love you lots and lots, forever and a day.’ This has been passed down from my grandad who used to say it to my dad and auntie.
What’s your go-to strategy for surviving those particularly trying days with young kids? Share a funny anecdote or a tip that gets you through the rough patches.
Taking each day as it comes. Sometimes you just need a PJ day, the house can be a disaster zone, and that’s okay! They’re only little once, so everything else can wait.