Meet Sara
Being a Beaver Scout leader: A journey of adventure and community
How long have you been a Scout leader?
I’ve been leading a Beaver Scout colony for the past 11 years, working with kids aged 6-8 (known as Beavers), both boys and girls. You could say scouting has been a part of my life since forever. I grew up surrounded by it – from being an adventure scout myself to having a mum who was a Beaver leader.
My scouting adventures even took me to Russia and Belarus for an international camp. Life happened – I got married, had kids – and when my boys showed an interest in scouting, it rekindled my flame. Once they were old enough, I got the chance to open a second Beaver colony, and that’s when my journey really took off.
When do you carry out your leading responsibilities?
We meet every week during term time, which is every Wednesday evening. They say it’s just an hour and a half a week, but the prep work adds up! With a supportive team by my side – including my oldest son who’s an assistant – we run a diverse programme.
What sort of activities do you plan?
From teaching 6-year-olds how to safely make a fire and roast marshmallows and chocolate bananas, to learning about different countries, faiths, and community involvement, we cover a lot. We’ve even gone on sleepovers – picture a bunch of 6-year-olds not sleeping much on their first night away from home!
What do you enjoy most?
Seeing the little ones achieve things they never thought they could. Just recently, one of my Beavers earned her bronze badge – the highest level in Beavers, earned through completing all the challenge awards as well as four activity badges.
How has working at HUC contributed to your Scout leading?
Well, my time as an NHS 111 Call Handler has boosted my medical knowledge, and it’s made a difference when teaching these young ones basic first aid such as wrapping bandages and calling for help. Also, teaching them about safety – that’s something I’ve brought over from HUC too.