Meet Shannan on World Mental Health Day
Today is World Mental Health Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness, spreading knowledge, and showing support for mental wellbeing.
At HUC, we take this day as an opportunity to not only acknowledge the importance of good mental health but to also shine a spotlight on a valued colleague – Shannan Craig an Auditor and Team Leader in our Peterborough Call Centre, who is also a dedicated Mental Health First Aider.

The importance of good mental health
“Recognising the significance of mental health is hugely important, and as an organisation, we want to ensure we are providing support and resources to all. The Mental Health First Aider training is a great course and has really boosted my knowledge and trained me to support others.”
How has the Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) training supported your role?
As a Team Leader, the MHFA training has helped me to ensure I am supporting my team as best as I can. It allowed me to have a better understanding of how to approach certain concerns raised or noticed, and do this in the most beneficial way for both the member of staff and myself.
The importance of good mental health and why it matters.
Good mental health is an essential part of our overall wellbeing, and it’s just as important as our physical health. Recognising the significance of mental health is hugely important, and as an organisation, we want to ensure we are providing support and resources to all. The Mental Health First Aider training is a great course and has really boosted my knowledge and trained me to support others. I look forward to also completing the Debriefer course in November.
What aspects of this role have benefitted you the most and how?
I have been given the opportunity to expand my skillset with the MHFA training, meaning I can support not only my team, but also other colleagues who are struggling, they could be a team leader, auditor or coach. It also means as a Health Advisor, I can signpost patients who are struggling, supporting them professionally in the most appropriate way.
What do you do for your own mental wellbeing?
For my own mental wellbeing, I like to go out for walks and stick on a podcast, anything crime-related is a winner for me. I try to be as self-aware as possible in terms of knowing when I need that breakaway. This not only lets me keep myself in check but allows me to be the best I can be as a person, be it as a mother, a partner or in my roles at HUC.