Our Commercial Team members continue building and strengthening relationships with our partners

Our Relationship Business Partners, Sophia and Lara, attended the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Healthwatch Summit, where they enjoyed listening to a number of influential leaders across the healthcare landscape. They even bumped into our Chair, Sarah Pickup, who said, “It was great to meet Sophia and Lara at the conference this week. We were able to hear from Jan Thomas, Chief Executive of the Integrated Care Board for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and importantly, from people who use health and care services, councils and other organisations. Events like this help us put HUC’s services in context and remind us about the importance of getting things right for the people who rely on us for advice and support.”
Sophia and Lara reflect on the event
Reflecting on the event Sophia said, “I really enjoyed the Q&A with the panel. The panel consisted of Kit Connick (ICB Chief Officer of Strategy & Partnerships), Miriam Martin (CEO of Caring Together) Councillor Richard Howitt (Cambridgeshire County Council) and Stephen Taylor (Executive Director of Adult Social Services at Peterborough City Council). It was great to see direct communication between the public and the panel, sharing lived experience and expressing current challenges. By the end of the session, there was a real feeling of hope for the future of social care in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.”
Lara added, “It was a great opportunity to connect with service users, ICB leads, councillors, those from the voluntary care sector and more. A huge amount of those that attended whether clinical or non-clinical, service users or service providers had been involved personally with social care at some point in their life and this was pertinent to the discussions. Workshops on residential, domiciliary and end of life care offered us the chance to voice our thoughts on where social care doesn’t support service users at present and how in order to contribute to change, we need to be better at sharing feedback. Only then are we more likely to see an element of change that suits the publics needs better.”