At HUC, we take immense pride in our dedicated team members who strive to make a positive impact on our communities. One such individual is our Relationship Business Partner, Sophia Woollams, who is always working to find ways to support those who are facing hardship and adversity in our society.
In January, Sophia volunteered to support a local hot meals programme for the homeless in our community, although the programme ended earlier than planned, Sophia made some great links, particularly with local Harlow-based charity Streets2Homes. Sophia, who is a resident of Harlow and aware of the growing homeless population in the area, was keen to learn more about the important services the charity provide and their current projects and initiatives with a view to understanding how she could get involved and support the fantastic, much needed work they do.
What Sophia discovered was a charity with a desire for social justice and a deep and genuine concern for people; Streets2Homes mission is to offer a safe place for those experiencing homelessness or housing difficulties in our community. On average Streets2Homes help 30 people a day and house or prevent homelessness for 100-150 people a year. Their day centre provides a welcoming space where individuals can rest, socialise, and access essential support services such as showers, clean clothes, refreshments, breakfast, and more. Sophia, driven by her passion for making a difference, reached out to Streets2Homes CEO Kerrie to arrange a visit to the centre.

“I am always looking for ways to add value to lives and support people who truly need it,” Sophia explained. “I was interested in the Streets2Homes work as I wanted to understand more about these vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups. Having conversations and learning about what matters most to homeless people or those on the brink of homelessness, some of their healthcare challenges, and how maybe I or HUC can support them in the future were the highlights of my visit.”
Kerrie, Streets2Homes CEO, was grateful for Sophia’s interest and visit to the day centre and said, “We are always keen to raise awareness of homelessness and its associated issues. We see so many individuals with complex social, health and financial problems that fall through the net of many statutory services that we feel passionately about building as many partnerships as possible to tackle the issues and bridge the inequalities that so many of our clients face.”
Sophia’s visit to the day centre was an eye-opening experience, providing her with valuable insights into the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness. “Thank you to Kerrie and her team for inviting me to such an insightful day,” she expressed. “I’m really excited about this developing relationship and exploring future opportunities.”
We are incredibly proud of Sophia’s commitment to making a difference and supporting HUC’s values to promote integration and reduce inequalities within the communities we serve.