Collaborative working to improve the experience of our patients
At HUC, our teams are continuously working to ensure our patients receive the high-quality care we promise and have a seamless experience. Along with this, we innovatively ensure our services reduce pressures on wider healthcare services, further improving care for our patients across the areas we serve.
As part of our ongoing initiatives to improve healthcare provision, several of our teams, including the Transformation, Quality and Improvement and Contact Centre teams, collaborated to organise a “Perfect DoS Day.” This day aimed to assist our NHS 111 Call Handlers in better utilising the Directory of Services (DoS), a system that provides real-time information to guide patients to the right healthcare services for their needs. Our teams arranged for the Bedfordshire regional DoS lead to visit our contact centres and provide live support to help our NHS 111 Call Handlers direct patients to the most suitable services.

Delivering the high quality care we promise
Focusing on the DoS and guiding our NHS 111 Call Handlers to refer patients to more appropriate healthcare services for their needs will hopefully allow patients to receive the care they require much faster while relieving pressure on other healthcare services.
Hear from our Transformational Project Manager and Head of NHS 111
Hayley, Transformation Project Manager, said “I’m pleased with how the day unfolded; our Call Handlers received plenty support from non-clinical floorwalkers and DoS leads, ensuring they could make the best decisions for our patients. With this collaborative effort, I’m sure that in the coming months, we’ll see improvement in our data and better utilisation of the DoS by our Call Handlers. A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this happen!”
Our Head of NHS 111 was also in attendance, and said, “I would like to extend my thanks to Hayley Leckie and our teams for their dedicated efforts in organising this event, as well as the DoS leads for their participation. We are committed to maintaining the high-quality of service for which we are renowned, which drives us to pursue innovative ideas. This event not only highlights our collaborative team-work, but has also enabled our NHS 111 Call Handlers to confidently select the first option on our DOS.”